(1) A territory not bound by physical borders but based within populated economic properties.
(2) The science of an economic territory.
Economic Territory Definition;
(1) A jurisdiction of non-tangible economic property owned in full, in part or transacted by its population.
Populated Economy Definition;
(1) An economic population is one, or more, owners, or transactors within the economic territory.
Territory Dominion Definition;
(1) A jurisdiction dominion is a given reference or name given to a economic territory referenced by its transactors in and outside the territory. * jurisdiction dominion may result multiple names for one jurisdiction in sum.
Transacted Territory Definition;
(1) A transaction bout, sold, exchanged, or traded of a non-tangible territory value, that raises or lowers the territory value of either the transacting population or a population of another jurisdiction with or without an affected raise or lower in value.
Affidavit Note Definition;
(1) An affidavit note is a contracted bill, note, or medium in general affidavit format that formally precedes a economic transaction.
* First use occurred at 5:40 P.M. on Feb. 13th, 2023
After a long breakfast comprised of only a large coffee really then I went to the office...
Knowing that today I was scheduled to meet me associate Thelma at her office down at Future Regulatory Corp incorporation, then I decided to prepare for all possible anecdotes that Thelma might throw my way, 😉 …
I knew immediately to prepare and bring the correct documents and forms with me to avoid a second jot across town... ie A work for hire contract for volunteer labor and an affidavit note will be a must have...
Then I rehearsed my sales pitch to a bathroom mirror to get it perfect before running in to Thelma's office... I knew Thelma a few years and she's a god friend and associate, and of course I know what I have and what Thelma needs form me... After all the non-tangible asset of a good friend like her is very valuable to the real profit of any good business …
I was at Thelma's office only 20 minutes when Thelma started telling me the awkward story of her car getting a flat tire while she drove to work today and was almost late... Thank goodness Thelma tells me but she remembered her discount auto club card was not an issue because she always has it in her glove box ready...
I asked Thelma an innate question about her trip. “i bet that costed a pretty penny, right Thelma?” I asked... Thelma laughed and replied that she met the nicest tow truck driver George who became friends at first site... Thelma's only regret is that she could not afford Georges services to her entire fleet jurisdiction as good as George was on the job...
Although it came up in conversation then I remembered my sales pitch an applied it in real life, bathroom mirror aside... “Thelma” I said “i have a friend of mine that populates that same auto club garage on east street near my company, Of Our Future Inc. “ … I continued, “In fact my friend Mikey might be able to give the same discount as he gets a lot of his parts free at his cost”... Thelma was ecstatic and wanted to meet my friend Mikey right away to arrange his services for her entire flee... There is a catch though...
See the thing is “Thelma, although my friend's garage has been getting those parts free all year then he still can't afford to give a discount to every client of his, and wishes only to be fair... I know its tough but my friend Mikey and I always agreed that non tangible advertising really makes the work good...
Then time to make my big move to make an offer to Thelma that sticks... “ill make you a deal Thelma” I exclaimed to her “ill recommend you to Georges co-worker Mikey and their population that gets his discount to your fleet if you do something for him”... “It’s not going to cost you a thing...” I was in my zone and uttered” put my friends sticker on your fleets side door to advertise his good faith , n you got a deal”... I wrapped it up for Thelma... “We will even name the deal after the best, The Thelma and George Jurisdiction Deal” “everyone will love it” I finished
Thelma believing the money saved on non tangible transacting to Georges and Mikeys jurisdiction was more than enough to invite me to dinner after the meeting then agreed completely...
That sounds like a date to me Thelma, sure! 😊 ,…
Of Our Future Inc.
Poli-Portion's - Units' , Valid Exchanges May Include:
a) collateral
b) labor
c) non-tangible trade
d) lunch / dinner
e) favor's (like taking out the trash on Monday)
f) and more ,...
*** Do not exchange for $USD ***
Of Our Future Inc.