Deborah E. Messi, B.S.
18019 Roscoe Blvd Apt 5, Northridge California 91325-3825
Messi, Deborah
Web Site
Coalition Constitution [excerpt]
Friday April 29th, 2022
Impartial and unbiased, sets forth regulations of 'Practices' of Of Our Future Inc, and it’s external operations.
Definition: 'Practices' in Operations
The rules, laws, and ethics set forth by the Incorporated Coalition to be mandated procedure in the operations of the private political practice of Of Our Future Inc., it's Subsidiaries, it’s Franchises, and it’s Divisions... Ruled herein to be set forth as organized and fair...
Original content created by
M. Messi, Ug., Founder / Office of Sec. - Of Our Future Inc. Of Our Future Inc. 18019 Roscoe Blvd Apt 5, Northridge California 91325-3825 All rights reserved - Drafted this Friday April 29th, 2022
~ Reference ~
A coalition is a group formed when two or more people, factions, states, political parties, militaries, or other parties agree to work together, often temporarily, in a partnership to achieve a common goal. The word coalition connotes a coming together to achieve a goal.
Deborah E. Messi, B.S. - F.R.C.
Future Regulatory Corp. - Public Benefit
Formation - California 2019 - Of Our Future Inc.